Claudio Calvino

Claudio Calvino

Claudio Calvino 

Claudio Calvino is Senior Managing Director in the D&A EMEA team. Claudio is the FTI Global Head of Data Science, and he has 15+ years of experience in developing and deploying advanced statistical methodologies and machine learning algorithms. He specializes in the application of advanced machine learning methodologies to several industries.  

Dr Claudio Calvino is a Senior Managing Director in the London Forensic & Litigation Consulting segment. A member of the Data & Analytics team practice and Head of Data Science for the EMEA region, Dr Calvino is a recognized voice in the data science and advanced business analytics industry.

Algorithms and methodological approaches developed by Dr Calvino have been successfully applied to several business cases, such as global investigations, supply chain optimization, sales forecasting, real-time anomaly detection, unsupervised fraud detection, best location analysis, on-the-fly segmentation and marketing. Dr Calvino has deep expertise in assessing third-party algorithms, their design, development and deployment into production. He Co-leads the FTI AI Assessment initiative, which aims to help clients assess, evaluate and improve their algorithmic systems.

Before joining FTI Consulting, Dr Calvino served as Lead Data Scientist at a French multinational consulting corporation Capgemini and WPP’s Kantar Media, where he led teams of up to 20 data scientists in multiple industries (FCMG, Energy, Media, and Retail). Before pursuing a career in the private sector, Dr Calvino worked as a Researcher at the University of Oxford to enhance his ability to collect, manipulate and analyze large volumes of data and geographic information; this has led to several publications on the matter. 

Dr Calvino holds a PhD in Economic Geography. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the PhD and M.Sc. programs in Social Data Science at the University of Oxford and advisory boards of start-ups in the field of AI.