Summit on State AI Legislation (SSAIL)

The inaugural Summit on State AI Legislation (SSAIL), hosted by the Yale Digital Ethics Center, comes at a pivotal moment in the evolution of AI governance, SSAIL will convene leading state legislators, open-source developers, academics, and industry leaders to share insights and foster meaningful discussion about how to regulate AI at the state level. We are honored to have Connecticut State Senator James Maroney as co-organizer, who is working with the National Conference of State Legislators to ensure our discussions inform legislative efforts nationwide. Insights from SSAIL will not only contribute to concrete legislative proposals across the country, but also a commentary article to be published in an academic journal. 

Participation to this event is by invitation only

Schedule of Events

11:15am: Registration opens 

12:00-1:20pm: Welcome Lunch 

  • 1:20-1:40pm - Welcome & Talk by Professor Luciano Floridi, DEC Director & Founder 

  • 1:40-2:00pm - Talk by CT Senator James Maroney 

  • 2:00-2:40pm - Panel - AI on the Ground: Perspectives from Open-Source Developers  

2:40-3:10pm: Break 

  • 3:10-3:50pm - Panel - AI on the Ground: Perspectives from Civil Society

  • 3:55-4:35pm - Panel - Legislating Deepfakes

4:35-4:50pm: Break 

  • 4:50-5:30pm - Panel -  Lessons Learned from AI in Elections 

5:30-7:00pm: Cocktail Hour  

7:00-9:00pm: Pizza dinner with live music, featuring New Haven’s famous pizza! 


09:15-9:55am: Breakfast 

9:55-10:00am - Welcome Back by Professor Luciano Floridi 

  • 10:00-10:40am - Panel - AI Regulation: Considering Open Source

  • 10:45-11:25am - Panel - The Brussels Effect vs the Washington Effect: Legislative Influences on State Bills 

11:25am-12:00pm: Break 

  • 12:00-12:40pm - Panel - Coordination of State AI Legislation: Linking Efforts, Addressing Pluralism 

12:45-1:00pm: Closing Remarks by Professor Floridi and Senator Maroney 

1:00pm: Farewell and Lunch 

Summit on State AI Legislation